Sun Valley High School Economics 2016-2017
Course Description- 1 Semester 12th Grade Requirement
The general objective of a high school economics course is for students to master fundamental economic concepts and appreciate how the principal concepts of economics relate to each other in real world scenarios. Students will understand basic concepts, elements of the American Economy, the role of the Federal Government, use and interpretation of major economic indicators, and the role of International Trade. They will use economic concepts in dealing with personal, community, national and global economic issues. Students will be expected to provide real world examples at the micro and macro economic level.
Textbook : Economic: Principles and Practices. Clayton, Gary. McGraw HIll Glencoe: 2005
Grading and Assignments
There are 25 major concept outlined in the attached document and student will be required to demonstrate proficiency based on a rubric they have been provided. The class may not complete all 25 concepts and so grades will be based on percentage of completed outcomes throughout semester. Proficiency will be demonstrated completing 2 assignments:
1- Student will read an article relating to concept and answer a writing prompt. (Close Reading)
2- Student create a project in the form of an essay, powerpoint, class presentation (Project Based Learning)
Proficiency 85% of concepts A *Economics Honors: Advanced 85% of concepts A
Proficiency 70% of concepts B Advanced 70% of concepts B
Proficiency 55% of concepts C Advanced 55% of concepts C
Overall Assignment Expectations:
Students should use gmail and google drive in order to store all work in a folder clearly marked Economics with their name and class period. There is no excuses for lost work under any circumstances. Students should be typing all work using 12 point, Times New Roman font. If assignment is not typed, work must be turned in neat and legible. Ripped out notebook paper will not be accepted.
If work is emailed, share to:
Final Project
Students will be required to complete a final project encompassing the major topics and concepts learned throughout the semester. Students will demonstrate their use of academic vocabulary and synthesize ideas presenting a project in front of the class on an International Corporation of their choice. No corporation can be repeated in the same class period. They will research the four factors of production and create a consulting memo for the future of the company and a comprehensive description of the company four factors.
Rules and Behavior
Each student will sign an agreement to adhere to the rules of the class and understanding the consequences of misbehavior in class
- No one is allowed to keep anyone else from learning
- be in your seat when bell rings, it is disrespectful to be late
- Have all necessary supplies each day
- One person speaks a t a time
- Be respectful of teacher, classmates, and the classroom
- Keep environment clean
- Bathroom- one person at a time, 2-5 minute maximum unless otherwise agreed. Any abuse of usage will require intervention
- No hats, no hoods in class at any time
- Walking around the class is allowed in order to use trash, sharpen pencil, and usage of any classroom supplies
- Cell phone usage limited to research and word processing. Any gaming or texting will require placing cell phone on teachers desk for pick at the end of class
- No headphones during class discussion and presentations by teacher or students
- No backpacks on tables
If you are disrespectful in the class, the following are the consequences depending on the severity of behavior:
- Verbal warning
- Asked to step outside
- Sent out with write-up of incident
- Call to parents
- Deans office with parent conference (extreme cases only)
All plagiarized work will receive an F. Copying from the internet or from books without citing or giving credit to the author is not acceptable.
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