Monday, November 27, 2017

Spanish 4 Trabajo Voluntario

Spanish 4

Presentacion sobre importancia y proposito de trabajo voluntario

Presentar 3 puntos
- importancia
- proposito
- ejemplos

Spanish 3 Nutricion, Fisica y y Salud - Proyecto Final

Spanish 3

Crear una presentacion sobre la importancia de la Salud

Comparte 15  recomendaciones para vivir una vida saludable
cuando se viene a ejercicio, nutricion, y bienestar mental

Spanish 2 Outdoor Activities- Actividades al Aire Libre - Final Project

Create a Presentation on what to do in LA in outdoor activities

Present 15 outdoor activities to do in and around LA in spanish

spanish 2

Spanish 1 Major Sports and Basic Equipment- FInal Project Semester 1

Spanish 1

Create an informational presentation on major sports and equipment in in class using props or visuals.

Choose 20 sports and the equipment used in the sport